Saturday 12 December 2020

The Language Virus


I wrote a novel years ago which was partly about a future people who have no symbolic or verbal language. They only communicate telepathically by transmitting images and emotions. Language of the past is seen by these future people as synonymous with violence and deception and because of this, merely uttering sounds from the mouth is seen as shameful. Speaking is now taboo and this prohibition is rigidly enforced by the elders of the village.

I was reminded of this when stumbling upon several reports, in mainstream media, of official, supposedly scientific studies which said that not only singing can spread the virus, so can talking. For example:


Moving on from the fact the above article was published in the ‘I’ newspaper in the U.K. on September 11th, and the fact it pushes the boundaries even in these insane times for how far we are supposed to believe the pronouncements of scientists, the article states that actually raising your decibels in speech increases the transmission of the virus. It tells us that ‘droplets too small for the eye to see are ejected while speaking. They evaporate to leave behind particles big enough to carry viable virus’. This puts the thought out (and the planting of thoughts is itself an invisible transmission that infects people’s minds) that by speaking to someone, you can be killing them, or killing someone else in the future. This reminds me of both Tony Burgess’ novel Pontypool Changes Everything, where zombies are created through a breakdown in language, and Ben Marcus’ novel The Flame Alphabet where a deadly disease is transmitted through speech, specifically by children. In The Flame Alphabet, the adult authorities have children rounded up and taken to internment camps. In unrelated news the British Army, in their role ‘helping’ people to test and self-isolate in Liverpool (first city in a nationwide operation) have been carrying out testing of children in schools. At least one school told parents their children would be barcoded and those who test positive ‘secured’:

‘Secured’? Where and how? Imagine being a parent receiving that letter (the school in question were forced to backtrack). Far worse, imagine being one of the children faced with the army coming to their school, administering tests on them, and telling them they are infectious and need to be isolated from their friends and family…

In further unrelated news, there have been articles about camps in Canada where people with COVID can be housed, away from the general population. Michael Ryan, a high-level WHO official, publicly stated that most infections were now happening in homes and authorities therefore needed ‘to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick, and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.’ So, asking for children to be removed from their families, or for parents to be removed from their children, if someone is thought to be with COVID. Even though children, even in official, sanctioned studies, are at almost zero risk of serious illness. The infamous Bill 6666 introduced in the American Congress in May this year gives $100 billion funding for the testing and tracing of people who may have ‘the’ virus, through mobile units which can go to community ‘hot-spots’ and test and ‘quarantine’ people ‘at their residences’. The Bill is short and vague, which is in keeping with emergency legislation ushered through in this country (U.K.) without any meaningful questioning by our politicians.

 And this brings us to another side of the importance of language: reading and listening to what is said, and speaking out to question it. This is being denied, restricted or silenced. The mainstream media overwhelmingly pumps out propaganda to support the official narrative and will only mention counter arguments disparagingly, in ways which frame it as nonsense and dangerous to be considered. The big internet search engines and social media platforms have carried out a purge of those voices which are deemed undesirable. Even videos and written articles by qualified doctors, other medical professionals and scientists have been removed from the internet for daring to question the imposed narrative, no matter the accuracy of the data they provide, no matter the research they have done and the expert analysis and opinion they contain. There have even been those who have lost their job or been arrested, such as the German Dr Heiko Schoning at the Hyde Park protest, and the Swiss cardiologist Dr Thomas Binder MD (as he discusses on the Richie Allen Show on 4 November )

 The oft quoted right to free speech has been dismantled and, perhaps most disturbingly of all, people and institutions that call themselves liberal are the quickest and loudest to shout THEIR message that  censorship is GOOD. Censorship is important because to be allowed to question is dangerous. Many of these people have the temerity to accuse those campaigning AGAINST the destruction of civil rights as fascist. Our world is so clearly conforming to the blueprint written by Orwell over 70 years ago – ‘Doublethink’ and ‘newspeak’ are all tools utilised daily.

Language has been dumbed down, reduced to soundbites, memes, twitter posts and slogans. Repetition of the mind-control propaganda of our time burrows phrases into our minds so everyone spews them out as if they always have, ‘lockdown’ (previously confined to prisons), ‘stay safe’, ‘protect the NHS’, ‘clap for carers’, ‘stay home’ till we are all bound with the new normal.

Words have power, they can manipulate, they can take over minds, they can control. And they can kill. And so can the denial of words, if people stay silent when they should speak out. Language is at the centre of this agenda as it is to all human society. Through words, the propaganda machine manipulates and controls. An analogy of what is happening this year would be a crowded hall with many people where one person shouts ‘Fire!’ Whether through malice, or error, or perhaps they have seen a very small flame. But the word is heard by others who panic, not seeing the fire but fearing it anyway they start to run and shout ‘fire’ as well, so people start to scream as the panic spreads and there is a stampede for the exits. Some people, the weakest, stumble, are pushed, and fall to the floor while others trample over them to try and save themselves. And the weak and unfortunate die because of fear, from a word, not from smoke or fire.

We have been told for months that the people around us, our friends, even our own families, are to be avoided and kept at a distance. We are forced to wear masks, in some countries even in the open air, so speech is often muffled and facial expressions are obscured. The most basic human interaction is rendered criminal; we are told we are endangering the ones we love if we embrace them. And the people pushing this are doing it because when you are physically close to someone you can confer meaning and emotion which is not always possible in the same way remotely, in a Zoom meeting or FaceTime call. Barriers are broken and a word can be whispered in the ear which the authorities can’t hear.

The prohibition against singing contributes to the destruction of culture which the lockdown measures have caused. But to actually begin to suggest that speech itself, the way we communicate, can lead to death, can be infectious like a killer virus, is starting a process which…it couldn’t surely could it?... leads to a world like my novel, where actual speech is considered dangerous and vile.


 If we consider the word ‘virus’, this had already taken on a new meaning through computer software – again with Gates central, as head of Microsoft – as a stream of code, of data, that erodes text, erodes the strata of programs which hold together a creation, from which a virtual construction is built. And now we have the present constructed virus – with its web of words and symbols eroding the foundation of our existing view of reality. The propaganda and censorship obliterating words which are deemed wrong, the Fahrenheit 451 book-burning of the digital age. Gates is now driving the vaccine agenda, his foundation investing billions to buy the influence of medical officials, governments and media. The new experimental vaccines for the ‘virus’ are, for the first time I understand, RNA. So, they are introducing synthetic messenger RNA molecules into cells. The mainstream is determined to dissuade so-called conspiracy theory that this is re-writing human DNA. But, at a molecular level, the vaccine is changing the way a body’s cells communicate and supposedly causing the cells to react in a specified way. As, in the macrocosm, us individual people are given new instructions to make us react and interact in a predetermined way. And it isn’t as if the re-writing of DNA is something which is only in the realms of science fiction or ‘conspiracy theory’:

The current stage in the imposition of the new order is now being rolled out in the guise of the ‘Great Reset’ which is in no way whatsoever to be confused with the New World Order. The ‘pandemic’ has conveniently opened the opportunity for this new world…, sorry, Great Reset but the supposed architect of it, Klaus Schwab, wrote his book Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution two years ago or more. In this book, as noted on the website, Schwab openly discusses and actually advocates a transhumanism which is supposedly the province of crazy conspiracy theorists.

“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab. “Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

Schwab is enthusiastic about “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.” He asserts that such “implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”

Worrying as all this is, it also made me think of my novel that I mentioned at the beginning of this article. Schwab and other technocrats want unspoken ‘thoughts or moods’ transmitted via technology implanted within the human body. My imagined future was more about a telepathic, almost spiritual connection between people. Sadly, the elites governing our future want ultimate control of our minds. They already have most people’s anyway, now the means to do it is becoming more blatant, and intrinsically implanted within the human. So we are being moved to a situation where eventually people will only communicate through technology, through images, codes and data. The individual voice is being lost.