Wednesday 31 July 2024

Thoughts on Southport


Thoughts on Southport


A few instant thoughts – why would a17-year old, of whatever origin, background, ethnicity, suddenly decide to get a taxi to a yoga studio, called The Hart Space, running a dance class for young children, themed on Taylor Swift? It has all the hallmarks of the many engineered, mind-controlled killers, lone gunmen, school shooters, supposed terrorists over the years, many in the U.S. but more frequently in Britain, Europe and other western countries.

So many times this has happened, recently as well in the U.S. with the Donald Trump ‘shooting’, which I believe was also staged, with a poor patsy killed by the authorities and blamed for the shootings.

The internet quickly put out a name for the alleged assailant. That he was said to be of  Islamic, immigrant nationality. Mainstream media has rejected this as fake news – Reuters for instance – ‘Misleading posts, opens new tab on X, Facebook, and TikTok said the detained suspect was an asylum seeker named “Ali Al-Shakati” and that he arrived in Britain by boat in 2023.’

Predictably, frustrated and angry people took to the streets and started rioting. Which was in turn condemned by the media.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the attacker was found out to be British, white, as this can then be used in the continuing campaign against ‘online misinformation’, the increasing censorship. The fake news, if it is, that the attacker was an immigrant, would kill 2 birds one stone – if they keep things bubbling along enough, for increasing violence on one side, which, they will then hope, will get a counter riot from immigrant/ethnic populations. They can then reveal that that the attacker is British and unleash an even great backlash on the ‘right wing conspiracy theorists’ – similar to the January 6 supposed riots and attempted coup in the U.S. – They can even use the ‘domestic terrorist’ designation for us.

So that’s why it’s important people don’t fall in the trap. Many commentators have predicted for years, decades even, that there would be increasing immigration to the U.K. and western countries to break down those nations, continue to divide and rule. And also, with all the other fears and pressure they have increasingly inflicted on all populations, the increased numbers of immigrants – many times previous years, since the CONVID scam and the lockdowns, when so many other agenda initiatives were rushed in with greater and greater intensity.

A side line – the heatwave. A friend of mine mentioned when we were at the Glastonbury Symposium at the weekend how surprising there were no chem trails as they usually do, which has led to the record rainfall in the last 12 months and the general blocking of the sun and decreasing of temperatures (despite their ridiculous propaganda that we have and record hot spring months, when for myself I’ve never known the need to have our central heating on at the end of May! So, now it is very hot, humid. The classic scenario you’ve seen in many films and descriptions of actual social unrest – the raising of heat, in a country particularly that’s not accustomed to it, raises emotional temperatures too.

So the powder keg has been lit. Elsewhere, there was the Trump 'shooting' of course, the increasing, continuing horrific genocide of the Palestinians by Israel, supported by U.S. and also Britain and the rest of the West. The protests across western countries which have had counter pro-Israel, anti-Islam, anti-immigration protests. Legislation in the U.S enforcing the draconian laws against so-called antisemitism which basically outlaws any criticism of Israel’s actions and anyone who is Jewish, no matter what they may have done.

And now, they have killed a Hamas leader, prompting angry rhetoric of retaliation from Iran.

To go back to the tragic murder scene in Southport. This was a place near Liverpool, a city in the U.K. which has long been known as a place of working class fervent, of protest and scally anti-establishment criminality. A prime place perhaps to spark a backlash and maybe then feel justified in increasing police levels. They mention, hardly relevant really, that the girls were at a Taylor Swift themed event. This made me think of the Ariana Grande concert in nearby Manchester and the alleged explosion by a patsy terrorist. The connection of celebrity, pop puppets in a blood sacrifice ritual to create a breakdown in society.

The language used in the alleged disinformation on the Southport attacker, that he is ‘known to MI5’ recalls the supposed Manchester Arena bomber who was known to MI5 (another patsy).

And finally, perhaps at a slightly more esoteric level the location of the murders  - Hart Street. A blood sacrifice – child sacrifice – stabbed in the heart. Possibly random, but look at a map of the U.K. I had an image of it like a body, Scotland the head, sat down with the bum around the south east [no offence], and leg stretched out in front as Cornwall. Wales is like a protruding belly, perhaps even a pregnant one. And Southport sits above it, you could say where Albion (to use a Blakeism) has its chest. And what do we have within our chests?


We know the rapid increase in heart attacks in this country, caused by what in the U.K. are termed ‘jabs’. I’ve thought before – in the U.K. the injections are knowns as ‘jabs’ and there have been issues, particularly in London, about increased knife crime. In the U.S the term is ‘shots’, and the U.S. has problems with gun crime, and that is also being used for the agenda.

The venue for the dance class was called ‘Hart Space’ and was run by a yoga teacher. In yoga - The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) is the fourth energy center in the yogic tradition. It is located in the centre of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, and forgiveness. A balanced Heart Chakra allows us to confidently give and receive love.

This sacrifice is seeking to destroy these energies and turn positive in to negative, love into violence, new life into death, hope into hopelessness.

I agree with David Icke on twitter following the rioting in Southport:

‘Falling for the plot. Scenes in Southport near a mosque in the wake of the child murders. They are pawns in a game they don't understand and this is what they need to know:

I have been warning for so long that the plan was to allow unchecked numbers of people from other cultures and religions into the West - mostly adult young men - and then instigate trigger events to create (un)civil war between them and the indigenous culture.

We are now there in a classic divide and rule in which two 'sides' manipulated by the same force are brought into conflict to create chaos and mayhem to (1) justify fascist laws; (2) generate widespread fear and anger; and (3) have the 'sides' so focused on fighting each other that they don't see the strings attached to both held by the same hand.

Both 'sides' are being played by a hidden hand via puppet governments with mass immigration that has transformed Western cities with the incoming cultures. This has been coldly calculated for decades and especially since the Blair era which set out to culturally change Britain in a way that was irreversible. The focus should be directed at those in political power and their masters in the shadows who have made this happen and go on doing so.

Cultures from other lands need to respect the culture they enter and not, as some do, seek to usurp it and impose their own. If you go on doing that then (un)civil war is inevitable.

Both 'sides' have been put in this situation by a Cult that hates them. Whether white or brown you are all just human trash to the Cult. We have to find common ground and realise that we are being played off against each for an agenda that involves the fascist control of all of us.

Both sides need to realise there is a common foe and find common cause in responding to that. If we don't, we have seen nothing yet.’