Wednesday 31 January 2018

Politics, void, and the child in time

(I am reposting this as it connects to my previous blog on Stranger content to follow soon)
There were a few critical comments from viewers of the recent adaptation of Ian McEwan’s novel The Child in Time which was shown on the BBC. Some found the plot ‘baffling’ with the storyline involving Stephen’s friend, the politician/publisher Charles Darke and his regression to childhood a bit difficult to digest. It was understandable that an hour and a half was too short a time to shoehorn all the different threads of the original novel.


I am pleased that the political focus of the novel was not ditched entirely. McEwan used his novel (published in 1987) as a critique of the Thatcher government. The ‘Prime Minister’ is always referred to by this title, the author deliberately avoiding any reference to the incumbent’s gender (gender itself being another prominent subject debated within the novel). The novel is set in a fictional near future, extrapolated from the social policies of the Conservative government in the 1980s. The opening pages follow Stephen as he weaves his way through busy London commuters, on his way to participate in a government enquiry, supposedly contributing to the formation of a new ‘Childcare Handbook’. A young beggar draws Stephen’s attention, makes him think of his own lost daughter, and also the moral degeneracy of the government (which has introduced licensed begging to replace social security benefits payments):


To give money ensured the success of the Government programme. Not to give involved some determined facing away from private distress. There was no way out. The art of bad government was to sever the line between public policy and intimate feeling, the instinct for what was right (The Child in Time, McEwan 1987, 8-9).

The loss of a child is clearly a metaphor for a governmental abuse of innocence. This opening scene establishes the interconnectedness of the plot themes: politics, the state of a nation and different concepts of time, all passing through the spectre of a lost child.


However, although Stephen’s missing child is often described in ghostly, uncanny terms, sweeping down to inhabit any child on the streets of London, the possibility that the child has been killed is never broached. Indeed, neither the book nor its adaptation mentions even the possibility that Kate could have been abducted by a paedophile. Instead, like the public pronouncements of the McCanns, Stephen imagines his daughter growing up with another family, taken as a surrogate daughter, ageing like the computer-aged images of Maddy.


The absence of any mention of child murder and paedophilia is itself a haunting omission from the story. The current Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is due in 2018 to investigate allegations of child abuse and ‘exploitation involving people of public prominence associated with Westminster’.



The Inquiry stems from the belated public exposure of the widespread abuses of Jimmy Saville. Allegations of high-level paedophile rings have persisted over decades. Many of these allegations are still derided as ‘conspiracy theories’ but, it must be remembered, Saville’s crimes were also confined to the realm of supposition through decades when he was a high profile celebrity. More significantly, his horrific, systematic assaults were carried out while Saville was a close friend to both politicians (most notably Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher) and members of the British Royal Family (including Prince Charles). One of the intentions of the Inquiry is to uncover evidence of institutions covering-up or conspiring to enable such abuses to take place. For those members of the establishment who have recently reacted with outrage at investigations into former public figures and politicians, it must be remembered that Saville was allowed to destroy young people’s lives for the whole of his life, without anyone in authority questioning his behaviour. Allegations only seem to be taken seriously when the prominent person is dead, or very close to it, such as the investigation into the former Prime Minister Edward Heath:



At the time of writing, the IICSA was hearing evidence that the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith was known by security forces such as MI5 to be an abuser of boys. MI5 were aware that the Department for Public Prosecution had lied to elements of the press, denying having been sent reports of investigations into Smith’s crimes. A detective superintendent at Lancashire Police had actually made a damning report that stated


‘It seems impossible to excuse his [Smith’s] conduct over a considerable period of time whilst sheltering behind a veneer of respectability.


He has used his unique position to indulge in a sordid series of indecent episodes with young boys towards whom he had a special responsibility.’


This report was written in 1970, the year he first ran for office as an MP. The Inquiry heard that Margaret Thatcher would have been aware of the allegations prior to awarding Smith a knighthood in 1988. This was the year after The Child in Time was published. Although Smith himself was never in Government, other investigations and reports are uncovering strong evidence that so much abuse was known about during the years in which McEwan was writing his novel, and the decades leading up to it. The Conservative government Chief Whip during the leadership of Ted Heath in the 1970s, Tim Fortescue admitted in a national BBC television interview that they would help MPs who came to them with problems, including with ‘small boys’:


I don’t believe McEwan had any notion of there being hidden paedophile rings within circles of power within Westminster. But, the narrative refers to child abuse of a different kind, with the Government creating their own ’Authorised Childcare Handbook’ which promotes an authoritarian, disciplinarian approach to bringing-up children. The author of this handbook is discovered to be Stephen’s friend Charles Darke. His retirement from politics to live in the countryside, where he can play at a ‘Just William’ cliché of childhood, symbolises the conflict within individuals and society about what childhood represents. But, in our current society, a man re-living his childhood would involve simply playing computer games and immersing themselves in a virtual world – which is how many men now continue living their lives into adulthood, which is an interesting, possibly depressing, thing to contemplate in itself. At one point in The Child in Time, Stephen watches a new Government endorsed, all-day television channel. He despairs of the childishness of the contestants and audience on a game show. As other critics have noted, McEwan was anticipating our current obsession with multiple channels, satellite and digital, and the domination of reality television.


The fictional storyline is a commentary on the way politics rejects those qualities that are romantically associated with childhood: a freedom of spirit and unfettered connection with the natural world. But the television adaptation introduces a darker suggestion of conspiracy within government: Darke is found dead in the woods, dressed in his schoolboy clothes. He has apparently committed suicide, unable to reconcile the differences in his “nature”. However, an earlier scene where the Prime Minister discusses with his colleague the inconvenience caused by Darke’s actions, combined with mentions that Charles is under surveillance, suggests that he was actually killed by security services and his death made to look like suicide. At least one of the public comments I read after the Guardian online review of the television adaptation likened this apparent suicide in the woods to the death of the government scientist Dr David Kelly. Perhaps, in symbolic terms, the ‘murder’ of Darke in his short trousers represents a child sacrifice.


Believers in Satanism view their practices as influencing or even controlling events in the physical world. It has been alleged that Satanic paedophile rings use children to tap into a youthful energy which will confer on them an increase in power. In the final episode of the first season of the HBO series True Detective, a series which features such rings, the half-sister of the principal abuser, when asked where he is, says he ‘is all around us, before you were born and after you die’.  This concept of timelessness is one of the principal themes of The Child in Time. Although the television adaptation omits the references to quantum physics, it retains the scene at ‘The Bell’ pub. Stephen stumbles upon a pub while on the way to see his estranged wife. It seems familiar although he cannot remember ever being there. He looks in the window and sees a woman apparently arguing with her partner. Later, his now ageing mother reveals how she contemplated aborting Stephen before seeing a child through the window and realising that this was going to be her son (the adaptation diluted this to avoid mention of abortion).


In the novel, Stephen collapses after seeing the vision, temporarily falling into some sort of time warp. It is unsurprising that many viewers of the television adaptation were confused about the portrayal of a mixing of past and present in an otherwise “realistic” narrative, without the context of the discussions of different concepts of time. McEwan himself seemed conflicted over the scene, having his neurosurgeon hero of the much later novel Saturday despair of magic realist novels, particularly one where ‘One visionary saw through a pub window his parents as they had been some weeks after his conception, discussing the possibility of aborting him’ (McEwan 2006, 67-68). The neuro-surgeon, Henry Perowne, argues that, as a brain surgeon, he knows ‘for a quotidian fact, the mind is what the brain, mere matter, performs’ and ‘the supernatural was the recourse of an insufficient imagination, a dereliction of duty, a childish evasion of the difficulties and wonders of the real, of the demanding re-enactment of the plausible’ (McEwan 2006, 67-68).  The scene seemed to offend McEwan’s self-professed love of science.


But, perhaps, the uncanny and imaginary must break the conventional veneer of a rational, logical society which has been built on abuse and deceit. The trauma of the lost child is a cause of social breakdown and it is also a symptom of a crisis within humanity. The final episode of the first season of True Detective had a similar break with realism. There had been earlier signposting to enable viewers to process Rust’s vision of a whirlpool-like void above the head of the child-sacrificing villain. Rust mentioned several times that he experienced occasional hallucinations as a result of his previous time undercover with drug gangs. However, the visual presentation of the void is so striking and “real” that it should be considered as something more than mere hallucination. This is emphasised by Rust’s final speech at the end of the series. He tells his partner that when he saw the void, at the point of what seemed like his own imminent death, he felt the presence of his dead daughter. She brought with her an overwhelming sense of love, a love that was outside of the material corrupted world. Rust ends by saying that light seemed to be winning its battle with the dark. This may be a statement which is overly optimistic in view of the depths of depravity which our world is full of. There can only be hope that by letting light and love come through the traumatic void which our lost children leave behind, the material world can fill its own hole. 

Sunday 28 January 2018

my book...

Oh, and please check out my book, or if you work at a university or similar institution, please encourage them to buy it! (or maybe from a public library, if any of those still exist)

Also available at Amazon and suchlike.

Many thanks

Stranger Things have happened: Hollywood, abuse and what we have lost.

My wife, Liz, pointed out that this seems to be a reference to the common phrase “stranger things have happened”. Which could imply that the seemingly fantastical story in this series is actually more connected to reality...

There was reference in the first series to the U.S. Government’s use of MK Ultra mind control, some of which has been admitted to publicly. In 1995, then-President Bill Clinton issued a public apology to the many Americans who had been used in experiments to create ‘Manchurian Candidate’ types. There has recently been a docu-drama on Netflix which investigates an alleged victim of MK Ultra, entitled Wormwood. The publicly revealed extent of this mind control is probably only the tip of the iceberg. Women such as Brice Taylor and Cathy O’Brien have given detailed accounts that they were mind controlled sex slaves used by some of the most powerful people in the American government. Their claims, and those of others like them, have not been publicly acknowledged or even given serious coverage by mainstream media. The fact that some form of mind control experimentation has been admitted to by the American authorities would suggest that further claims should at least be taken seriously.

In Stranger Things, the character known as Eleven has been held in a government facility where her psychic abilities are tested and trained to be used by the military. In several scenes, newspaper clippings have been collected referring to many cases where children have been abducted or disappeared. The origin of Stranger Things comes from the alleged Montauk Project (Montauk was the original working title for the programme). This is claimed to be a secret American government project where young people were abducted and used for experiments. These allegedly involved various sci-fi sounding projects such as remote viewing: the ability to psychically connect with people across vast distances of time and space.

It has been frequently discussed in academic circles, amongst others, that people’s understanding and perception of the “real” world is increasingly governed by representation. These theories have recently found a much more dramatic expression from mainstream scientists and technologists: Elon Musk and Dr Rich Terrile of NASA, to name two high-profile figures, have claimed that our world is a giant hologram.

‘Will got lost in the woods’

Stranger Things is set in the 1980s (the period when it is claimed The Montauk Project was taking place) and the series references many films from that period. The motif of a gang of kids endearingly triumphing over evil adults was adapted through several films from that era – from E.T. to The Goonies, to Stand by Me. One of the child actors in both the latter two films was Corey Feldman, who has since, as an adult, spoken passionately about the widespread child abuse in Hollywood. He not only claims he himself was abused but also that the abuse suffered by his friend and co-star on the film The Lost Boys, Corey Haim, led to his problems with drugs and eventual death. A more recent documentary, An Open Secret, has testimonies from former child performers who were also abused by older men in the film and entertainment industries. The documentary highlights that at least two men convicted of child sexual abuse, who served prison sentences, are now released and back working in the film industry:

A documentary about the alleged Montauk Project talked of children being abducted in order to be used for the experiments (including men who said they were abductees). As mentioned above, Stranger Things dramatizes this but in the series the abducted children have been targeted deliberately because they have special psychic abilities.

Whether the Montauk Project happened or not, there is no doubt that children have been taken from their families, abused, and denied identities across the world, in many different forms for centuries. The Child Migration schemes where children from poor backgrounds, who were in institutions in the U.K., were shipped to the colonies such as Australia and Canada were a Twentieth Century development of the practice of ‘spiriting’. This practice stretches all the way back to the early years of Empire: in 1618 one hundred child migrants ‘were sent by the City of London at the request of the Virginia Company to provide labour for the colony (Lynch 11). Such organised parties in the period up to the nineteenth century were only ‘sporadic’ (Lynch, Gordon. 2015. Remembering Child Migration. London: Bloomsbury 11) but there was alongside this the widespread abduction of poor children, many of whom had families, from Britain to be shipped to the emerging colonies. They were abducted from streets and countryside, one contemporary account stated that ‘in the dead of night children were taken by force from the beds where they slept […by] ruffians who hunted their prey as beasts of the chase’ (from The Book of Bon-Accord cited by Skelton, Douglas. 2005. Indian Peter: the Extraordinary Life and Adventures of Peter Williamson. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing 24). The term ‘spiriting’ has uncanny connotations alongside such a terrible practice. For those parents whose children were taken it must have felt like bereavement, as if their children were now ghosts. The children ripped from their homes and taken to a very alien place, the ‘New World’, may also have felt that they had been removed to a different reality. I list just a few other examples of mass child abduction, from across decades and in several different countries, at the bottom of this post.

When Will disappears at the beginning of the first season of Stranger Things, the absence which creates the ensuing narrative, he is taken to the ‘Upside Down’, another dimension which is a dark version of the ‘real’ world (as if the world we normally live in isn’t dark enough). I would argue that this abduction, revealing an evil strata within the structures that we consider safe, is symbolic of how children are ‘spirited away’ from the material world and the way this turns the reality we perceive upside down.

The threatened children in Stranger Things could be seen as a metaphor for those traumatised children who have been the victims of paedophilia in Hollywood over the years.  The children running in fear from the evil scientists and government authorities can be seen to represent the many, many children pursued and abused, who were like them, child actors and stars. When the other characters in Stranger Things refer to Will being lost in the woods, it is the woods which the fairy stories through centuries have warned us about (and simultaneously drawn us towards). The ‘woods’ which are now also our cities and towns…
(and incidentally, for a quick compression of fairy-tale to modern day paedophilia – and Hollywood, check this out:

They are taking our will away, and most people don't seem to be looking in the right places.

Please look at these examples below and consider the way our society is built over the bodies of children.

Hundreds of children a year are abducted from Kolkata in India and sold into slavery or sexual exploitation (and that’s just from one city in one country):
In Spain under Franco, around 300,000 babies are estimated to have been taken from their mothers at birth, the mothers told their children had died, and the children were given or sold to families considered more ‘desirable’ by Franco’s authorities and the Catholic Church:
In the early years of the Israeli state, hundreds of children were taken from mostly Yemeni  Jewish families:
Roma children were systematically taken in Switzerland over decades and placed in institutions, in yet another example of organised targeting of children from poor or minority groups:
A paedophile ring involving politicians, including in The White House, was appallingly covered-up in the 1980s: