Saturday 13 March 2021

Thoughts on the sad murder of Sarah Everard

 Firstly, I want to make clear that any loss of a life is a terrible tragedy. This piece of writing is not belittling that in any way, in fact I want to stress that bigger forces are manipulating this for their ongoing agenda, to damage many more lives.

Alarm bells went off for me when I heard that the suspected murderer was a policeman. Firstly, I thought of the analysis of Neil Sanders in his book Your Thoughts are Not Your Own that many serial killers in the U.S. have had involvement with the military or police, or been influenced by family members in law enforcement or armed forces. He suggested that these murderers could have been themselves victims of the mind-control the rest of his book documents.  Programmes like MK Ultra have now become part of our cultural lexicon after their reference in popular, mainstream entertainment like Stranger Things. The policeman alleged to have murdered Sarah Everard was, even more suspiciously, a member of a division working on the security of Parliament and diplomats.

I’m not saying that the policeman here was mind-controlled but his profile as a murderer in uniform fits into the agenda that has been forced on us over the last 12 months. I read that Pritti Patel proclaimed that people shouldn’t distrust the police because of the actions of one bad person, that the vast majority of policemen and women were trustworthy and doing a good job. If you read her words another way, she is saying a significant minority of police can’t be trusted.

This narrative recalls the Black Lives Matter, ‘defund the police’ protests of last year. An apparent violent murder of a black man by a policeman was ramped up within hours to go around the world and instigate riots and division. I say ‘apparent violent murder’ because I know there are a number of anomalies regarding the video of the George Floyd incident, and claims that Floyd had actually died some time before, that he and the policeman knew each other and were both actors. Such information and disinformation is typical; what is striking is the way this video went ‘’viral’ (to use the loaded term) and was immediately taken up by BLM, who received millions of dollars in funding from billionaires and multi-nationals. The rich and the powerful fell over themselves to ‘take the knee’ (a number of researchers pointed out this was a Masonic ritual).

In the upside down world the one percent have put us in, a protest movement was created so those who considered themselves ‘woke’ and ‘liberal’ could protest against the abuse of power with the support and enablement of those in power. People, many with the right intentions to stop the very real injustices of racism and police brutality, became the tools of those responsible for these injustices. Divisions were created between black and white, people fought on the streets, already struggling businesses were destroyed.

And now, protests are planned to ‘reclaim the streets’ in London and other parts of the U.K. to call for freedom for women to be able to walk the streets without fear. Of course, no-one should fear going out, should have the freedom to go out and live their life as they please. But the people jumping on this bandwagon are, for the most part, totally unaware of the irony and hypocrisy of campaigning for something which we have all been denied: the entire population are told they must live in fear, refused freedom of movement, expression and speech.  

Again, the explosion from mainstream media, through internet, social media has propelled this isolated incident into blanket statements like ‘why I hate men’’, ‘protect your daughters, educate your sons’ (graffiti seen in Bath today). A Green party peer, Jenny Jones, called for a 6pm curfew for all men so women could walk the streets safely at night. The fact we are all still in lockdown, and told to stay home to ‘’save lives’ seems to have been lost on commentators.

Like BLM, the right of people to protest is being proclaimed loudly by many people who have condemned the anti-lockdown protestors. Yes, the right to protest is vital, so don’t criticise those who want to resist actual establishment totalitarianism and civil rights abuses.

The rights of women and the eradication of violence against them are valid causes. My wife has worked with survivors of abuse and I know it is sadly all too prevalent in the world. But the repressive lockdowns imposed by our government and championed by the supposedly liberal, have caused a horrific escalation of domestic violence. Perhaps allowing us all our civil rights would actually improve the lives of women and enable those in damaging situations to escape?

It strikes me that this tragic death is being used to further the agenda which we have been suffering within. Like the Floyd video and the riots and propaganda that followed, the police are being cast in a negative light. I think the police have been guilty, here and elsewhere, of abuses in arresting people, including the elderly, for simply wanting to walk around, or socialise in their house. The campaign that is ensuing now, like BLM, deflects attention from the fact that we are ALL being subjected to coercion, control and abuse in some form. The powers that shouldn’t be want conflict. They also want to divide and rule, so identity politics is used as a tool to push people apart. BLM was pitting black against white, or left against right (in the false political paradigm). Now, they are trying to divide women from men.

One potential result of this, or at least another element amongst many, is a decrease in the birth rate. Fertility is already at a record low, sperm counts in men are way down and girls are experiencing early puberty and women are losing eggs and having more miscarriages (Count down: The infertility crisis - EHN ). Physical changes caused by radiation, heavy metals, chemicals are exacerbated by social changes. The sudden proliferation of transgenderism, with children being encouraged to take puberty blockers whose effects can’t be reversed if there is any future change of mind, result in the inability to bear children. The UK government guidance on the current experimental COVID ‘vaccines’ says that they ‘don’t know’ what their effect on fertility will be. Some people have declared they won’t have children because of man-made (elite fabricated) CO2 climate change - a continuing part of the institutionalised self-loathing for being human which feeds into the eugenics agenda to reduce the population.

I see the reaction to this individual tragic murder (which will sweep up many who are genuine in their intentions) as fulfilling another goal of the elite: when there is talk of society (maybe, hopefully, if we are really obedient) slowly being opened up, this is provoking calls for curfews, engendering fear about being out and in public. I read an internet chat with several women remembering times they had been on nights out in the past, getting drunk with friends, and walked home alone. None mentioned they had been attacked, they may have been putting themselves at unnecessary risk at the time, but they were now talking about going out with friends in negative terms. The longed for freedom to go out again and party was being corrupted as another fear was brought to the forefront of their minds. One of the women said she would go on one of the ‘reclaim the streets’ protests, just as she had gone on BLM marches, but she disapproved passionately of anti-lockdown protests.

I’m sure, following Jenny Jones ridiculous statement, there will be further calls in the coming weeks and months for either women to stay home to stay safe, or for men to stay home to make women feel safe. Another facet of the agenda of fear and control will be played out, encouraging people to distrust each other and retreat to insular, virtual worlds.  

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